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Will Tomato Paste Thicken Spaghetti Sauce

Will Tomato Paste Thicken Spaghetti Sauce?

Spaghetti is a classic dish that everyone loves. However, if you are making spaghetti sauce from scratch, you may be wondering if tomato paste will help thicken your sauce. The good news is that tomato paste is an excellent ingredient to use if you want to thicken your spaghetti sauce. In this article, we will explore how tomato paste can help thicken your spaghetti sauce and share some tips on how to use it effectively.

How Does Tomato Paste Thicken Spaghetti Sauce?

How Does Tomato Paste Thicken Spaghetti Sauce?

Tomato paste is made by cooking tomatoes for a long time until they become thick and concentrated. This process removes most of the water from the tomatoes, leaving behind a thick, rich paste. When you add tomato paste to your spaghetti sauce, it adds a concentrated tomato flavor and helps thicken the sauce.

Tomato paste is also an excellent source of umami, which is a savory taste that enhances the flavor of food. Umami is the fifth taste, along with sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. It is found in foods like tomatoes, mushrooms, soy sauce, and parmesan cheese. Adding tomato paste to your spaghetti sauce will not only thicken it but also enhance the overall flavor.

How to Use Tomato Paste to Thicken Spaghetti Sauce

How To Use Tomato Paste To Thicken Spaghetti Sauce

There are several ways to use tomato paste to thicken your spaghetti sauce. Here are some tips:

Add Tomato Paste Early in the Cooking Process

If you add tomato paste early in the cooking process, it will have more time to blend with the other ingredients and thicken the sauce. You can add tomato paste at the beginning of the cooking process or after sautéing the onions and garlic.

When you add the tomato paste, make sure to cook it for a few minutes to remove the raw tomato flavor. You can also add a splash of red wine or balsamic vinegar to help break down the tomato paste and add depth of flavor to the sauce.

Use the Right Amount of Tomato Paste

The amount of tomato paste you use will depend on how thick you want your spaghetti sauce to be. A general rule of thumb is to use one tablespoon of tomato paste for every cup of tomato sauce. If you want a thicker sauce, you can add more tomato paste. However, be careful not to add too much, as it can make the sauce too thick and overpowering.

Use a Blender or Food Processor

If you want a smooth and creamy spaghetti sauce, you can blend or process the tomato paste with the other ingredients. This will help distribute the tomato paste evenly and create a silky texture. You can also use an immersion blender to blend the sauce directly in the pot.

Simmer the Sauce

Simmering the sauce for a longer time will help thicken it naturally. As the water evaporates, the sauce will become thicker and more concentrated. You can simmer the sauce for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how thick you want it to be.



Tomato paste is an excellent ingredient to use if you want to thicken your spaghetti sauce. It adds a concentrated tomato flavor and enhances the overall umami taste. To use tomato paste effectively, add it early in the cooking process, use the right amount, blend or process it with the other ingredients, and simmer the sauce for a longer time. With these tips, you can make a delicious and thick spaghetti sauce that everyone will love.

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